Susan Heartlight, M.A.
Award Winning Author and Inspirational Speaker 

Welcome to One Power For Good

23 Years Licensed California Therapist - 15 Years Superior Court Investigator - 13 Years CSL Licensed Minister; Ordained in 2018
Lifelong Positive Creative

Introducing my Mentors/Influencers

I have studied:  Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. - Wayne Dyer, - Louise Hay -  Bob Proctor - Jack Canfield - Raymond Aaron and Abraham-Hicks.

It is a magical world as we can be involved in myriad endeavors and supplement our lives in so many ways. I want to help you get what you want. What are you seeking - help, advice or assistance toward success? Let me help you achieve It!

Raymond Aaron

Raymond Aaron encouraged me to write my book and has the 10-10-10 Program that assisted me in publishing it!
Raymond is brilliant and when he discovers a way to help people have a better life he cannot hold himself back! Raymond Aaron is a great friend to me and so many others.

Don Miguel Ruiz Sr. &  Jr.

Don Miguel Ruiz wrote the Four Agreements and his son, Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. wrote The Five Levels of Attachment. As you can see I met both authors and their books are timeless and excellent sources to instill great Truths to everyone!

Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield wrote The Success Principles and is known for his Best Selling Book, Chicken Soup for the Soul with Mark Victor Hansen. Jack is my upline in Young Living Oils and includes several trainings throughout the year as a bonus.

Wayne Dyer

One of my first teachers and I had the privilege of meeting him twice. Once to hear him speak in the Bay Area's Circle Star Theater and then again in Los Angeles with Porche' at the Egyptian Theater for his movie, Shift. I have a photo somewhere. When I find it I will post it.

Louise Hay

I read Louise Hay's book; You Can Heal Your Life and I did heal my life! What an ispiration and what a voice. I can listen to Louise day and night speaking affirmations of love. Love yourself!

Susan Heartlight

So all of the above people helped to shape my life. Someone you will not know and never meet was a Social Worker named Judy who told me to go to college. Thus began a journey into a new life for me and my family.

Richard Bach

What if you had a choice at a crossroad to go one way or another. What if both choices had a life? Where would you be? One of my favorite authors who can steal me away from an ordinary life.

Jean-Michel Jarre'

Transcend space and time with the mystical synthisized music of composer/producer Jean-Michel Jarre'  I discovered in 1997 his concert held the most attended at 3.5 million! Also he gather 8 million over 4 concerts!


There is ONE Infinite Intelligence and It encompasses everything Omnipresence and Omnipotence offering One Power For Good available for everyone to use. Purchase a copy today on Amazon or order an autographed copy from Susan now!


Esther Hicks speaks with Universal Thoughts that she allows to communicate through her.  Her love for humanity has encouraged me to continue to do the same.