Welcome to our website

Gatherings of Individuals, Couples and Groups to raise awareness and greater self love for yourself and others.
To book Susan Heartlight for a speaking engagement, please email spiritedladies@hotmail.com or fill out the contact form on this website, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Welcome to our website

Create a Goal - Make a Decision - Lean into the Positive
Susan Heartlight works with you to succeed today!
Step by step the actions you take lead you forward steadily; providing support and encouragement, as you request it, changing your life, creating JOY!


Our latest and best photos

We love to take pictures and show them to the world.

Align with the Greatness Within You Now!

Do you have an issue you would like clarification on? Do you have a dormant dream? Do you have a goal? Let's work on it together!

Add a description here.

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